Friday, March 27, 2009

{The Sun 3/26/2009}

What an affront

Re: The action taken by the Colton Joint Unified School District in naming the new high school after Ray Abril Jr.

What a poke in the eye to our good neighbors in Grand Terrace. The name Grand Terrace is the only logical name for this school.
Further, the comments by county school board member Gil Navarro had more than a tinge of racism in them.
Every community in this area has a high school carrying the name of the city. Why not Grand Terrace? What an affront to the residents in GT!
I think the citizens of GT ought to come to the next school board with their pitch forks and let the board know who they work for.


1 comment:

Sandra said... that pitchfork!

That board is gonna be so sad at the next elections... an entire new school board will need to be voted in, it seems, with the exception of Pat Haro... aka Pat Hero!